In the beginning of this year something happened to my voice, when we were supposed to start rehearsing with the PM Saari Band after Christmas/new years break I discovered that about half an octave of my voice didn’t work, like at all. Just couldn't get this group of tones from my higher register out and of course it was the tones that I use the most. I tried various solutions to get it into action but realised after a month that this ain’t going to get solved anyway soon. We had some gig proposals but had to turn them down and we were also supposed to start rehearsing with Järntrean as well but we had to call that off.
PM Saari Band (me, Moey and Pata) at rehearsals at our Beyond Dimensions Bunker.
Now it seems to be slowly getting back to normal, slowly. I’m definitely not able to do the Paul DiAnno stuff that Järntrean demands yet so that’s put on hold for a while, but when it comes to my own stuff it’s starting to work little by little, and with my own material I feel I can move a few vocal lines into another register in case some of the problem remains for longer. So it feels pretty safe that we finally have some live dates with the new PM Saari Band live line-up booked in May. More on that later.
I've been doing some voice exercises with a phonation tube/straw. I don't know if that's working or not but my voice is getting better... I think. |
Not only did this put a halt to all the live plans but all of my plans were thoroughly shaken, I mean I didn’t know what had happened or even if it would ever be ok again, actually still don’t. Such a heavy halt sure affects ones motivation as well, at least it did for me, and due to this I haven’t been too productive until recently when I've somewhat got back in track working on all the studio stuff I’ve got going on again.
The next release should’ve been out a while ago, it has been mastered and ready just waiting for quite some while, but even that was affected by this halt, but it’s now on its way. It’ll be out in three weeks, April 21st, it’s called “Dried” and is two songs that will be released under the Inagone banner, because they are Inagone songs, even though they probably are as much mine as all the PM Saari songs. More on that closer.
See you soon.