So I’ve been rehearsing with Mr Mallander and Mr Idman, the PM Saari Band that is, and it’s been real great getting down to the bunker as often as our tight-scheduled life allows and letting the creativity flow out in its purest form, at the same time uniting, tightening us as a band and having a great time. We’ve put in quite a bunch of new tunes into the live set, even though they’re not released yet, and we can’t wait to get back live on stage with it all (whenever that will be). We’ve also been jamming a bit with various covers lately, so we’ll see what might come out of that.
My vocal troubles, or rather throat problems, have kept troubling somewhat, and also held things back a bit the past year. The good thing is that this has forced me to start really digging in and working with my voice and vocals. Also realising now that it was pretty unfortunate that the vocals on the two songs on “Between”, the first release out, was for me the most difficult, hardest and most demanding that I’ve ever written, but I pushed myself way beyond what I thought was possible and there they are. I’ve also never ever before worked as deep and intensively (fanatically?) with the production and arrangements as have done on these two songs on “Between”, so I'm really excited to get it mixed and out.
So despite it all I’ve been working with music, quite a lot, and hopefully I'll get up the pace getting music out to you more frequently very soon as well, both recorded releases and live shows.
/ PM