Monday, December 30, 2013

Enter 2014

So a new year is upon us again. 2014! What happened? Where did 2013 go? Time truly seems to fly more and more every year... Though loads of real cool and fun gigging in 2013 it wasn't a too productive year for me music- or art-wise (however in other sense it was a very productive year indeed, probably the most productive ever!) but at least I managed to squeeze out a deep seated odd song, or two, finish up a hand-full of new Inagone tunes and write some new killer Lizard Eye material. So sure could've been worse but I sure expect more out of 2014 because I really, really have some stuff that I need to get out of me. 

I've decided to really try to approach 2014 more focused and structured, with a more strict planned timetable to be able to fit in the music, and my visual art as well - and hoping to keep it that way all the way through, but that remains to be seen, we'll see what life's got waiting around corner...

We've just started to rehearse a full Straight Eight Diablo live set and will hopefully take it live on stage for real in first quarter of 2014. In february we'll start rehearsing the new Lizard Eye material into final ready-to-be-recorded shape and the plan is also to book some Lizard Eye live dates in first half of 2014 as well. I also believe we'll pick up and continue to finish the Inagone recordings in the second half of 2014 or something, maybe even take Inagone live. Last but not least I'll hopefully get to finally finish my solo album in 2014. Also start jamming with the boys again.

...and then there's a handful of other pretty exiting music-stuff on the roll that might, or might not, be happening in 2014, we'll just have to wait and see...

Though all the hard work and hi-tech planning this all will require I'm really looking forward to all this, bring it on 2014!

Exit 2013.

/ PM